Georges River Libraries | Inspire Your World

Brand Film: Inspire Your World

Explainer Video: Media Lab

Explainer Video: Programs

Explainer Video: Children & Youth Programs

The Brief

Georges River Council engaged us to produce a brand film, along with a series of explainer videos to showcase everything the library has to offer in preparation for their new vision for 2030 Libraries. We were able to offer an incredibly high quality product, at minimal costs.

This content was produced entirely in-house, following our streamlined post pipeline allowing for the client to make highly specific changes without needing to book an edit session with us.


Director/Producer - Julian Neuhaus

1st Assistant Director - Matthew Bunin

Production Assistants - Michael Oblati, Ronan Soussa

Talent - Manan Luthra, Antony Brandon

Client - Georges River Council

This project was Inclusively Made